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Sitting at what I was sure was the world's longest left-turn signal, I suddenly realized that I was being impatient for no good reason. After all, I was only waiting to turn left and then right...into the gas station. Not exactly like being late for an important date!

Wait hate. Many of us struggle with it, and the impatience is making life unnecessarily miserable.

Why do we hate to wait? I have some theories and good guesses, but it is possible that one of the biggest reasons why we can't even tolerate driving in a lane with a slow car in front of us is because we've been trained by our culture to expect everything instantly. Have you ever been "that person," driving and yelling "Move over, Pokey Joe!" even though your windows were closed and that other driver couldn't hear you?

Tap. Swipe. Send. 

Wait-Hate is learned, and this impatience is very costly. Instead of praying and allowing God time to provide direction and confirmation, we mentally tap-swipe-send our prayer texts, and then we rush into our own plans, wondering why we feel so unsettled and unstable.

Here's a tough but necessary lesson to learn: we may think we know what's right and best, but God knows for certain, and He even knows our motives. "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." (Proverbs 14:12) The word "death" in this verse also refers to "ruin," which is not a happy ending. I've never met anyone that said, "My goal is to ruin my life."

But when we fail to slow down long enough to pray and process decisions with careful consideration, the end result of haste is often painful at best, destructive at worst. Hasty decisions usually come with the hefty price tag of cleaning up the mess that we've made.

Do you have a big decision that you need to make? Join the club. Most of us have big decisions we're facing in a rotation. In fact, having a season in life when no big decisions are pending is like a mini-vacation. Most of the year is filled with the demands of choices, but occasionally, things are quiet and we're simply trying to decide if we want decaf or regular coffee. Ha. So very rare. (And I'll take regular with cream and maple syrup, thank you).

I'm writing this as I sit at the crossroads of several life-changing decisions, so in reality, you are reading a blog that I've written to myself. Waiting for a green light...

"Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD." (Psalm 27:14)

Waiting is more than tap-swipe-send. Waiting is patiently tarrying for God's answer. Pause. Pray. Wait.

"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)

Photos by Taniya's Photography.


  1. From Dawn N on FB: Pray for you often!!!!!!

  2. From Victoria C on FB: Thank you for this post..thank you for being such a great testimony to me, personally! I pray for you, often!

  3. From Sheila S on FB: God’s best in God’s timing is always worth the wait.

  4. From Terri J on FB: Thank you for this! I’m one who doesn’t like to wait either.....but God’s timing is always best! I just need to remember that!
    Praying for you Mrs Francie!

  5. From Vierlyn L on FB: Praying God Will Bless in a Magnificent Way!Thank you for the article on patients I needed that Lord please help me with patience.

  6. From Patty B on FB: Thank you! I can be so impatient...praying for you.

  7. From Bambi T on FB: Yep. Guilty of wait-hate. I’m the worlds worst waiter.

  8. From Renee C on FB: Well, that was helpful to me! Praying for you, Friend. He does always know best and sometimes His plan is quite different than what we would think. Love you and appreciate your prayers on our behalf.

  9. From Lacey M on FB: This is so relevant and helpful. Its been on my heart a lot recently. Thank you for this post!

  10. From Debbie W on FB: Excellent article, btw. Impatience is really selfishness, with the emphasis on "self". Thank you for the reminder!

  11. From Teresa F on FB: Wait is a four-letter word!

  12. From Faith B on FB: living in St. Lucia is a great way to learn to "wait"

  13. From Pam S on FB: “Oh, ME!!” 😬 [also contemplates cream and maple syrup]

  14. From Maresa S on FB: Much needed reminder today! Thank you!

  15. From Melody H on FB: On! And I read this ..... While I was waiting!
    Yes. Yes. So true. :)
    Thank you so much for sharing.

  16. From Lynn F on FB: Guilty! Thanks for this article.

  17. From Kathy T on FB: I needed this today...

  18. From Wendy P on FB: Waiting is so hard. I even hate the word waiting. God bless you Francie.

  19. Here at this site really the fastidious material collection so that everybody can enjoy a lot.


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